Hey Folks, I'm looking for physical layer switch that will allow me to remotely configure how two ports are cross-connected. The two main benefits would be that a site only has to be wired once and there is also a potential for a simplified disaster recovery plan (i.e. one of my boxes melts down, and I need to bring a standby online without dispatching a tech). If I could have the perfect box, it would: - Handle fiber (serial connections, ala DS3, would be a bonus) - Be protocol agnostic. I want to switch GigE and OC fiber cross-connects. I don't want GigE / POS inter-networking. - Be completely passive. If the power fails, all connections will remain active. I suppose this implies some sort of mechanical switching mechanism. - Text based CLI mandatory. Web GUI optional. - DC powered - Did I mention cheap? After Googling around this morning, it was unable to find anything that completely fits the bill. I was only able to come up with 3 vendors that come close to fitting the bill, each with their own set of pros and cons: RAM Electronics (http://www.ramelectronics.net/apcon/patchpanels.htm) MEMX (http://www.memx.com/cross%20connect.htm) MRV (http://www.mrv.com/product/MRV-FD-SFPMCC/) Anyone have experience with any of these vendors? Are there other vendors I should be looking at? Off-list replies from sales-droids welcome. (An invitation for punishment, I'm sure ;) Thanks! Brad -- +1-408-434-2048 broldan@covad.com