When I re-read my post, I'd like to clarify the "clean" part a bit. I mean technically clean, as in all of the parts working properly as best as the fine people represented on this list can make it happen that is...so lets say "properly operating"...to be a little more specific. The Internet certainly isn't "clean" by moral standards, and as I see it, those are individual choices individuals make, and I certainly don't want anyone, especially the "gooberment" mandating those choices for me. Gooberment does have a place in this, though I'd rather those bastards stay the hell away from anything thats working well. I wouldn't mind if a few more states made spam illegal, like Calif and Oregon have made it. I don't give a rat's rectum about advertisers, in fact I place them in the same category as shysters, the world could live life just fine (and cheaper) without their ilk around. At 18:44 5/3/02 -0700, you wrote:
uWell I tend to always error on the side of free expression verses making something illegal and I definitely disagree with the statement that its a clean internet otherwise but just like non electronic space there are many differing standards and shades of things something I actually think brings a lot to the quality and adventure of the thing.