On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 Michael.Dillon@btradianz.com wrote:
This is more or less what BT has done in the UK by splitting off all the field engineering into a separate company called Openreach.
Telia in Sweden did that (Skanova), now that they're privatised (partly) they're merging that unit back again, and it never was a really separate unit. Having a separate cable company with airtight divide to the service company is a must. Economy of scale says only one cable is needed to the consumer, but from there it seems there is enough different ways of doing things that it warrants a plenthora of companies to supply service, I would say at least three. Price of bw in Sweden which generally has at least 3 different ISPs colocating with telia in the larger phone stations, is at $25 per month plus tax for ADSL 8/1, personally I think that if we had a separate cable company this would actually be slightly lower, if not, we would at least have equal access to the premesis (currently something like 30% of the phonestations are claimed to be "out of space" by Telia, but they can still build-out new services themselves as they prioritize their own equipment). -- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@swm.pp.se