"to give priority"

Assuming priority is given.

It's going to be very rare for their to be both only one ISP and no other ISPs able to be motivated to be present.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions


From: "Michael Thomas" <mike@mtcc.com>
To: nanog@nanog.org
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2021 1:51:50 PM
Subject: Re: DNS pulling BGP routes?

On 10/18/21 11:09 AM, Sabri Berisha wrote:
> The term "network neutrality" was invented by people who want to control
> a network owned and paid for by someone else.
> Your version of "unreasonable" and my version of "unreasonable" are on the
> opposite end of the spectrum. I think it is unreasonable for you to tell me
> how to run configure my routers, and you think it is unreasonable for me
> to configure my routers that I pay for the way that I want to.

Yeahbut, for the last mile that network is often a monopoly or maybe a
duopoly if you're lucky. If streaming provider 1 pays ISP to give
priority over streaming provider 2 -- maybe by severely rate limiting
provider 2 -- the people who get screwed are end users without a way to
vote with their feet. That sort of monopolistic behavior is bad for end
users. Mostly I want ISP's to be dumb bit providers and stay out of
shady deals that enrich ISP's at my expense. And if it takes regulation
to do that, bring it.
