It's going to be very rare for their to be both only one ISP and no other ISPs able to be motivated to be present.
Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions
From: "Michael Thomas" <>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2021 1:51:50 PM
Subject: Re: DNS pulling BGP routes?
On 10/18/21 11:09 AM, Sabri Berisha wrote:
> The term "network neutrality" was invented by people who want to control
> a network owned and paid for by someone else.
> Your version of "unreasonable" and my version of "unreasonable" are on the
> opposite end of the spectrum. I think it is unreasonable for you to tell me
> how to run configure my routers, and you think it is unreasonable for me
> to configure my routers that I pay for the way that I want to.
Yeahbut, for the last mile that network is often a monopoly or maybe a
duopoly if you're lucky. If streaming provider 1 pays ISP to give
priority over streaming provider 2 -- maybe by severely rate limiting
provider 2 -- the people who get screwed are end users without a way to
vote with their feet. That sort of monopolistic behavior is bad for end
users. Mostly I want ISP's to be dumb bit providers and stay out of
shady deals that enrich ISP's at my expense. And if it takes regulation
to do that, bring it.