At this point, I wouldn't trust and any media reports without verifying information. As far as LibertyPR is concerned my cousin who lives in Carolina, PR told me thieves were stealing fiber optic cable after the storm. I trust the Seon Donelan, FCC, US Military, FEMA reports in that order. There was a report that 33% of cell phone service was reported. That is BS. We know from FCC reports it is still at ~90% out as far as number of operational cell sites. The media here in the states is no better. I have multiple confirmations and am looking for hard proof but the Teamsters Puerto Rico trucking union is refusing to move containers out of the port. Only 20% of truckers showed up for work. Perhaps someone who works at Crowley can give us more concrete info but if you can't even move supplies out of the port, how the heck are you supposed to replace wires/fiber/fuel etc? Here is a CNBC report: - Javier On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 4:39 PM, Sean Donelan <> wrote:
On Sat, 30 Sep 2017, Sean Donelan wrote:
The first public statement I've seen from LibertyPR was yesterday. Their network was completely down. They've restored some of their main infrastructure, i.e. cable headends and main fiber connections. 100% of subscribers are out of service.
I've seen pictures on twitter of LibertyPR crews fixing cables and poles on the island.
Liberty cable Puerto Rico has put out a press release today.
LibertyPR is opening one public WiFi hot spot in Bahia Urbana in San Juan from 3pm to 7pm Saturday, and 8am to 7pm daily starting Sunday.
Additional hot spots will be announced by LibertyPR via press release in the future.
I guess this is a sign LibertyPR's public relations office is back in operation.