13 Jan
13 Jan
8:09 p.m.
If I could attend that BOF (I am in Brazil :-/)... Either way I'd like to suggest a subject:- "Whois: Latest Developments At ICANN And How They Affect Incident Response" Abraços, Marlon Borba, CISSP Técnico Judiciário - Segurança da Informação TRF 3ª Região (11) 3012-1683 -- Segurança é um processo, não um produto. -- Bruce Schneier --
Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> 01/13/07 4:19 PM >>>
i wanna hear/see Defending the NANOG net. i.e. how the local net is geared for security. i am especially interested as we will be needing to do a lot more for the AfNOG net this year, and could use the tech transfer. randy