On 2007-01-09-12:08:16, "William B. Norton" <bill.norton@gmail.com> wrote:
[...] a few of the largest US ISPs are turning away these n*10G Internet video transit customers !
I'd be interested in learning of specific vendors/markets, along with the reasons given. Did they cite temporary capacity constraints, or anything of greater long-term significance? Here in the New York metro, you'd be hard pressed to find a vendor willing to turn away a 10G transit deal and the associated revenue. In the past few months, I've been approached by half a dozen or so major carriers eager to sell 10 gigabit ports, and with the capacity to deliver. If your customers are, indeed, reporting a widespread difficulty obtaining 10 gigabit ports from the larger players, I can think of plenty of smaller ISPs and switch-based resellers who'd be happy to carry their traffic. While I'm greatly interested in Internet video and the need to come up with new ways to deliver it more efficiently, I'd be weary of listing the [lack of] availability of transit ports as contributing factor. -a