--- Forwarded mail from Steve Grandi <grandi@noao.edu> Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 09:22:38 -0700 (MST) From: Steve Grandi <grandi@noao.edu> To: "Mark R. Lindsey" <mark@vielle.datasys.net> Subject: Re: News about W. Richard Stevens In-Reply-To: <199909041349.JAA32525@vielle.datasys.net> Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.10.9909040919360.5422-100000@mirfak.tuc.noao.edu> There was an obituary in the Friday morning edition of the Arizona Daily Star (I looked and I cannot find the obit in the online pages of this paper). Also several people here at NOAO (Rich's former employer) know his family personally and have passed the word. On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, Mark R. Lindsey wrote:
How did you learn the news about W. Richard Stevens?
Steve Grandi, National Optical Astronomy Observatories/AURA Inc., Tucson AZ USA Internet: grandi@noao.edu Voice: +1 520 318-8228 --- End of forwarded message from Steve Grandi <grandi@noao.edu>