why not confine the effort to the one need that seems
to clearly exist: a place for network engineers to solicit vendors of
the goods and services that network engineers buy?
On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 8:56 AM Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
> That seems like a reasonable proposal. NANOG-OffTopic, NANOG-Discuss, NANOG-BizDev, NANOG-xyz, something (more more than one something).
Hi Mike,
This conversation started because someone got called to carpet for
soliciting a vendor on the main list. Rather than guessing at how to
split up topics, why not confine the effort to the one need that seems
to clearly exist: a place for network engineers to solicit vendors of
the goods and services that network engineers buy?
Bill Herrin
William Herrin