8 May
8 May
9:56 a.m.
On Fri, 8 May 2009 09:46:38 -0400 "Matt Liotta" <mliotta@r337.com> wrote:
On May 8, 2009, at 9:31 AM, Claus v. Wolfhausen wrote:
Why do you believe people which are using Level 3 are not aware what it is doing?
I am guessing the emails from uninformed victims wondering why their mail isn't getting through.
Vigilantes always start out with the right intentions and then take it too far. One day you are going to filter the wrong AS.
You are blaming the wrong people. It is very clear on their website that this list should not be used for blocking. It states that there will be FPs and that you should use it as part of an overall scoring system. If you must blame someone, blame the idiots who use it to block email. -- John