On October 15, 2013 at 03:45 bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com (bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com) wrote:
Forward domains and Reverse domains are often managed by different organizations - so if you were a paranoid validator, wanting to check that the name was from the correct place, you'd want to do DNSSEC validation on both the name and the address.
Not going to weigh in on the value proposition.
Unless, as is frequently the case, the only test is: NXDOMAIN? Reject, Anything but NXDOMAIN? Accept. -- -Barry Shein The World | bzs@TheWorld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Dial-Up: US, PR, Canada Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*