William Allen Simpson wrote: Please, the interim-moderators should moderate, and the bylaws drafters should draft, and they should be separate. It's the usual difference between the Chair and the Editor (or Raporteur, or Recording Secretary). I introduced this important division to the IETF many years ago.... Since they accepted the moderation function, they've disqualified themselves from the drafting function.
It appears that they do not share your view, by reading nanog-futures. The new mailing list administration has already demonstrated that it had zero credibility: Yesterday, I posted something that displeased Martin Hanningan and was told that I needed his permission. As I was browsing the archive, I noticed my post and his and another one from William Leizon that quoted mine have been removed from it. This is not better, it is worse. Although I did not like the way Dr Harris moderated the least, at least she did not try to rewrite history when she did not like something. Michel.