On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 08:15:11 -0500 "Douglas S. Peeples" wrote:
What you describe is a folded ring and is indicative of either a = temporary solution or bad network design. As a rule, phone companies and capacity suppliers build very robust systems. =20
Douglas S. Peeples Technology Assurance Labs
Are you sure? On or about August 5th, 2003 in Augusta, ME, while cross examining a Verizon employee expert witness in testimony for Maine PUC Docket 2002-243, I got him to say muliple times under oath that 90% of Verizon's fiber rings in the state of Maine are at least partially collapsed, what you call a folded ring... That is, only 10% of Verizon's fiber rings are fully redundant.[1] I don't have any proof of this but suspect that Maine is average and Verizon is average for a US RBOC. I suspect that 90% of US RBOC fiber rings are at least partially collapsed... regards, fletcher [1] I Am Not A Lawyer; the above is my best recollection of the testimony. Documents in regards to Docket 2002-243 are on line off of the Maine PUC web site (http://www.state.me.us/mpuc/homepage.htm) under the virtual case file (http://mpuc.informe.org.) Search by docket number 2002243. For some reason, the testimony is not there. I will ask a PUC lawyer why that is and see if it can be added.