I’d like to express my appreciation for the fact that PCH makes the data available and has for many years. The data collected by RouteViews, RIS and PCH is a god-send for researchers and operators alike. —Sandy
On Oct 2, 2018, at 5:57 AM, Bill Woodcock <woody@pch.net> wrote:
On Oct 1, 2018, at 2:04 PM, Sandra Murphy <sandy@tislabs.com> wrote:
DHS had a program called PREDICT that made information important for security research available.
The follow on is called IMPACT. https://www.impactcybertrust.org
The key note speaker said his data was available under PREDICT, perhaps he meant IMPACT. Internet Atlas does show up on the IMPACT site.
The IMPACT program has announced (see their home page) that due to a lack of funding support, the IMPACT program would cease operation in Dec 2018. That “continued use of existing data will expire and your ability to request data through IMPACT will no longer exist”.
Can someone ask the speaker (can’t find support for remote attendees) if he knows if any impact from IMPACT’s ceasing to operation on the ability to look at the data that he said was available through PREDICT?
All of the PCH data will continue to be available directly from us, despite the PREDICT/IMPACT portal going away.