On Tue, 23 Apr 1996, Jeremy Porter wrote:
the price point drops. (Which could happen, 2.5 billion people on the Net in 6 years...)
I think the number of people with a phone at home is less than that. Don't forget that most of the world's population lives in China and underdevelopped countries.
We are quite limited by the fact that the DNS protocols seem to limit us to [A-Z][a-z][1-0]-_. We would be really bad off if the DNS implementers had used UNICODE.
Assuming 9 letters in a domain name this would be 37 ^ 9 which is 1.29e14. I think that leaves a fair amount of room for choice considering that some domains will be more or less than 9 characters and there are currently over 100 top level domains with more planned.
The plans to open up the top level domain space by adding 15 or more new international top level domains per year will make the landscape rather more interesting. http://www.kirk.tlhIngan.alt :-)
Who has proposed this? I don't see it happening.
A. it won't scale
Then push for the "million domains" experiment to go forward sooner rather than later. This pushes the scaling one level deeper in the tree so if scale problems do develop we can simply open another subtree. Only at the top level do we need to worry about scale, but there should be no problem with 2 or 3 times the current number of TLD's.
B. it looks ugly
Maybe you misunderstand. tlhIngan is the Klingon language word for "klingon" thus the English equivalent would be http://www.kirk.klingon.alt This is no uglier than http://www.apple.austin.tx.us
I think more TLD will be opened, but it will be for a couple of reasons, first off some re-writes DNS so that the clunky concept of a "root" name server is dead,
I see. Well then, you will probably be interested in the new Internet technology for transporting live humans across the net that was being discussed on the inet-access list this past month. There is an archive of inet-access available at ftp.earth.com if you would like see how Internet Service Providers are currently handling this. Obsmiley ;-) any directory service needs a place to start the search. That's what the roots are for and I don't think anything could possibly replace them except a different set of roots or a different kind of root. The concept is inherent in the system. Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022 Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-546-3049 http://www.memra.com E-mail: michael@memra.com