I hadn't thought about this until now, when I had to use our SPKI account with Thawte. It's painfully slow processing anything. I doesn't seem that anything's amiss with latency or network otherwise, but we're noticing this impact. I'm also just West of you, so I'm curious if it's slightly geographic in nature, as nobody else has noted similar that I've seen here. On Thu, 5 Mar 2009, Mike Tancsa wrote:
Not sure if others are running into this or not, but we had a few vague support calls come in at once about browser 'ssl problems' and some issues with some websites 'taking forever to come up'... It looks like the common problem is bringing up pages that have
embedded in the web page the end user goes to.
Depending on how the page is written, it can seem (to the end user anyways) as if the page is taking for ever to come up. The browser is blocking on talking to the site seal server.
<judicious snippage>
Just a heads up in case your helpdesk runs into this issue as well as it seems to be a rather obscure problem that sent us on a wild goose chase at first. Some browsers deal with it differently. on IE, most of the page does not display until the seal comes up or times out.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Tancsa, tel +1 519 651 3400 Sentex Communications, mike@sentex.net Providing Internet since 1994 www.sentex.net Cambridge, Ontario Canada www.sentex.net/mike