On Sat, May 03, 1997 at 08:58:39PM -0700, Paul A Vixie wrote:
Then, Karl made the following (intentionally?) misleading public statements:
Balderdash. They are not misleading Paul. They are completely factual. That you don't LIKE them is irrelavent.
That Mr. Vixie's server loads from a.root-servers.net, which is controlled by NSI.
This is true.
If NSI makes changes in that zone, Mr. Vixie's server will reflect them.
This is true. What Karl neglected to mention is that if pigs had wings they could fly, and that furthermore, pigs don't have wings, so they don't fly. But if they did have wings they would fly REALLY HIGH.
What Paul has neglected to mention is that if NSI, tomorrow, decided to honor Image Online Design's .WEB (say, because perhaps they sued NSI to do exactly that, and NSI folded rather than fight) you'd publish Mr. Ambler's .WEB and not the IAHCs. A defacto checkmate, as it were. Or, if NSI, tomorrow, defined a process and actually executed it, whatever it might be, that new TLDs would go into the so-called "IANA" roots, and those might include a very different view of the world than the IAHCs, or yours for that matter. The truth is, they're NSI's roots. In fact, the truth is, you've admitted that NSI has actually paid for at least part of the server which you host. The further truth is, NSI has asserted that it *OWNS* COM. And since it is the one in charge of the root file, what odds would you care to lay on it ever making an edit (so long as it continues to assert that it owns COM) that removes COM from its control? Finally, where do you get the idea that you can tell someone else what to do with their money, when that "someone else" is a private corporation? -- -- Karl Denninger (karl@MCS.Net)| MCSNet - The Finest Internet Connectivity http://www.mcs.net/~karl | T1's from $600 monthly to FULL DS-3 Service | 99 Analog numbers, 77 ISDN, http://www.mcs.net/ Voice: [+1 312 803-MCS1 x219]| NOW Serving 56kbps DIGITAL on our analog lines! Fax: [+1 312 803-4929] | 2 FULL DS-3 Internet links; 400Mbps B/W Internal