On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 11:23:42PM +0000, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
I'm sorry, but to clarify my question I wasn't presuming any such thing. I was just asking if the RIRs expected ISP's to inform them when a clearly hijacked address block was found and quashed.
Hmm, that WOULD presume the RIR had a method to handle that notification I suppose.
Email would work, but the more pressing issue is how the RIR is to respond to that notification. RIRs don't have the resources to revoke allocations/assignments for cause other than non-payment (which necessarily excludes pre-RIR allocs). Additionally, RIRs have no mechanism to enforce revocations. There has been reasonable discussion on possible policy changes to address these concerns; however, no consensus has been achieved to effect change (yet). I would encourage folks to join the ppml@arin.net public policy list for ARIN (and/or similar activities for other RIRs) should you have some specific suggestions to this end. Presently, the ONLY mechanism that the RIRs have to revoke/filter/ influence the global routing table is the routing policies employed by the RIRs constituents. The folks on this list (NANOG) are able to block abuse/squatters/rogue users. Can the RIRs help with additional information in database objects? Such as additional status information, accuracy of contact data, etc? Your specific input is more than welcomed (but please redirect to ppml). -ron /ARIN AC