Abuse desk is a $0 revenue operation. Is it not obvious what the issue is? Some of the folks that are complaining about abuse response generate revenue addressing these issues. Give me some of that. I'll give you a priority line to the NOC. Disclaimer; No offense intended to security providers, I'm just stating a fact. Best, Marty On 4/15/08, Joe Abley <jabley@ca.afilias.info> wrote:
On 15 Apr 2008, at 11:22 , William Herrin wrote:
There's a novel idea. Require incoming senior staff at an email company to work a month at the abuse desk before they can assume the duties for which they were hired.
At a long-previous employer we once toyed with the idea of having everybody in the (fairly small) operations and architecture/ development groups spend at least a day on the helpdesk every month.
The downside to such a plan from the customer's perspective is that I'm pretty sure most of us would have been really bad helpdesk people. There's a lot of skill in dealing with end-users that is rarely reflected in the org chart or pay scale.