On Sat, Jun 27, 1998 at 09:05:30AM -0700, Sean M. Doran wrote:
So Karl, you don't like the fact that your customers are maximising distribution of their visual advertising while minimizing their costs (by not paying you for some audience reached through caches), I guess.
Excuse me?
Brand management people generally only care that a vast number of people associate their brand with some appropriate set of feelings, and that this in turn leads to sales.
And how do advertisers measure this? By eyeballs (or eardrums, for audio media) reached. Deal with reality Sean, not your fantasies.
The cost effectiveness of this approach does not have to be measured directly (by thorough counting or extrapolating from a sample) when other means of testing the effectiveness of a PR/marketing campaign are available.
You're in dreamland Sean, not that this is unusual. Again, you are missing the point, which is what is ACTUALLY done, not your fantasy-land of how you'd like to see people measure effectiveness (and set pricing).
Where content's effectiveness can be measured by means other than direct counting of "views", _or_ where an intercepting cache reduces the number of retransmissions, or both, this sort of caching is *great* for your customers, because it means they can pay you less, because you ship fewer bits.
So I can see why you are so pissed off.
Considering that MCSNet doesn't at present sell (nor has it ever sold) a single bandwidth-sensitive service (ie: no burstable rate circuits with a variable cost component, no traffic-sensitive web hosting, etc) you're once again full of shit. If there is an ISP out there which would find financial advantage to this paradigm of operation ("transparent" caching), its MCSNet. That I would find doing so financially rewarding does NOT justify hijacking a customer's packet traffic and passing it through a "filter" of my own design and without that customer's consent. The difference is that I have ethics and deliver what this company sells, not some jiggered version that we claim to be "functionally equivalent" but really isn't.
| Oh, I forgot - being stupid and twisting people's words is now considered | a protected class in the United States.
- -- Sean Doran Copenhagen, Denmark
You STILL need to take that Lithium pill Sean. -- -- Karl Denninger (karl@MCS.Net)| MCSNet - Serving Chicagoland and Wisconsin http://www.mcs.net/ | T1's from $600 monthly / All Lines K56Flex/DOV | NEW! Corporate ISDN Prices dropped by up to 50%! Voice: [+1 312 803-MCS1 x219]| EXCLUSIVE NEW FEATURE ON ALL PERSONAL ACCOUNTS Fax: [+1 312 803-4929] | *SPAMBLOCK* Technology now included at no cost