On Mar 30, 2022, at 17:00 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@jmaimon.com> wrote:
Tom Beecher wrote:
If the IETF has really been unable to achieve consensus on properly supporting the currently still dominant internet protocol, that is seriously problematic and a huge process failure.
That is not an accurate statement.
The IETF has achieved consensus on this topic. It's explained here by Brian Carpenter.
As I have explained with my newly introduced consensus standards, there is no such consensus.
To reiterate my consensus standards, consensus is only to be considered as amongst stakeholders and IPv6 specific related stakes are not relevant to IPv4. If you consider the reverse to be true as well, I think my version of consensus would achieve a much wider and diverse consensus than the the stated IETF's consensus.
Once a consensus has been proven invalid its beyond obnoxious to cling to it as though it maintains its own reality field.
Yes, but you don’t have consensus for your new consensus standard, so… Owen