Hi folks,

Over the past few weeks, I've attended webinars and watched videos organized by Intel. 
These activities have centred on 5G and examined applications (like "visual cloud" and "gaming"), 
as well as segment-oriented aspects (like edge networks, 5G RAN and 5G Core).

I am stunned (no hyperbole) by the emphasis on Kubernetes in particular,
and cloud-native computing in general. 
Equally stunning (for me), public telecommunications networks have been portrayed 
as having a history that moved from integrated software and hardware, 
to virtualization and now to cloud-native computing. 
See, for example Alex Quach, here @10:30). I reason that Intel's implication is that virtualization is becoming obsolete.

Would anyone care to let me know his thoughts on this prediction?

Cheers all,


Ing. Etienne-Victor Depasquale
Assistant Lecturer
Department of Communications & Computer Engineering
Faculty of Information & Communication Technology
University of Malta
Web. https://www.um.edu.mt/profile/etiennedepasquale