On 12/02/2013 02:35 PM, Ricky Beam wrote:
We don't know what we'll need in the future. We only know what we need right now. Using the current dynamic mechanisms we can provide for now and "later", as "later" becomes apparent.
I hate to keep repeating this, but each time the argument comes up the 2 camps split into their factions and ignore my suggestion, so here goes. :) I have been proposing for years now that ISPs reserve a /48 per customer end site, which aligns with both the protocol design and the policies of most if not all RIRs. Then as rollout actually occurs make the first /56 (1/2 way between /48 and /64) available to the customer (in whatever form 'make available' occurs, such as DHCPv6-PD). That way you have protected your customer from having to renumber in the future should they need the full /48. Then down the road IF you run out of space, and IF you can't get more, you can then go back and start assigning the second /56 out of the /48s you had previously reserved. Of course this same logic could be applied to /60s instead of /56s, but even I (sympathetic to the argument of not repeating the wasteful mistakes of the past as I am) think that's too small. hth, Doug