In the internet world, mass depeering / de-transitting like we've see in this instance is akin to capital punishment. By vigilantes. The US Old West redux. Connecting to my network is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. You lose a criminal case, you lose rights (e.g. freedom to walk outside). Disconnecting you from my network is not denying any of your rights.
There is no law or even custom stopping me from asking you to prove you are worthy to connect to my network. You don't want to prove it, that's your right, just as it is my right to not connect to you.
Mind if I ask why you think you have any right to connect to my network if I do not want you to do so? For _any_ reason, including not showing me "legit" customers, political affiliation, or even the color of your hat?
amidst all this high flyin' political theory discussion of rights, there is an elephant in the room. as conditions to merger/purchase, there were legal restrictions placed on one or more significant operators regarding [de-]peering (i.e. your statement above is significantly incorrect). my altzheimer's device tells me that those restrictions end 2008.12.31. expect change. randy