I thought this might be of interest to folks here, it looks strikingly similar to draft-behringer-mpls-security-00.txt, which has uni-directionally discussed on the IETF's PPVPN mailing list a while back. I think a more pragmatic approach could have actually been useful, however, this would likely require a non-commissioned perspective. IMO, things like "Hiding the Service Provider Core Network" aren't very practical. I'd also like to get feedback on how folks see things like MPLS/BGP VPNs impacting Internet route table stability and convergence. After all, simply because it's not necessarily envisioned (by some) to be deployed inter-domain, it does make heavy use of BGP, which clearly impacts unicast stuff as well. -danny ------- Forwarded Message Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 12:08:01 -0400 To: mpls-ops@mplsrc.com From: Christopher Lewis <chrlewis@cisco.com> Subject: Security on MPLS VPNs The Mier group released a report that showed MPLS VPNs offer the same level of security that frame relay and ATM networks do. That report is available at http://www.mier.com/reports/cisco/MPLS-VPNs.pdf - ------- The MPLS-OPS Mailing List Subscribe/Unsubscribe: http://www.mplsrc.com/mplsops.shtml Archive: http://www.mplsrc.com/mpls-ops_archive.shtml ------- End of Forwarded Message