Nice notes - thanks. * (Matthew Petach) [Tue 06 Jun 2006, 12:52 CEST]: [..]
BillN: is there something else that could be given to the customer that would satisfy their question without revealing what Chuck: A lot of ISPs lie about their peerings; he runs AMSIX, people claim to have multiple gig to the peering exchange, he knows they don't really have that much. Patrick: but he can look at the peering stats on AMSIX--Chuck notes only members can.
Don't know a Chuck at AMS-IX, and he's wrong about port details being available only to existing members. Click on any name at and get the full Monty.
Patrick: customers ask how many gigs they can send to a provider; it's available headroom, so they ask their upstreams how much available headroom is left. Most providers are having a lot of trouble getting the right capacities to the right networks. The reason many don't answer is they don't like the answer they have to give.
As a transit provider you're doing something if for the majority of your time you are dealing with customer complaints about packet loss. -- Niels.