We consume around 150 watts on DC and generally around 600 watts on AC
(unless a freezer or air conditioner cycles on). When the power goes out,
sometimes we don't immediately notice it! I think I am living inside a
giant UPS, and more independance from the Grid is refreshing.
I bought one of those power monitors and tossed it on the circuit that goes into my house. At *night* when everything is off, I might get down as far as ~800 watts.
During the day it's more like 2,000-3,500. If I get the hat-trick (water heater, central air, and well pump) running at the same time, I can get up to ~24,000 watts.
The down-side...it's only monitoring the branch that leads to the house. My office is on a separate branch.
My neighbor pays around $150 every two months on their power bill.
I pay just under ~$260 *every month*.
I definitely notice it when the power goes out. The sound of UPS relays and alarms is enough to wake the dead.