I have ran into this a few times, and have not found a solution: L3 à HEà --- blended Provider A --- > Customer Cogent -- > Customer Cogent of course is cheaper, and customer wishes to use the blended provder more as backup and/or have most of the inbound traffic coming in the cheaper path (cogent). The issue appears to be L3 and HE specifically (of course they make up a good chunk of inbound traffic) always prefers their customer peers, so even if we advertise any prefix to the blended, those companies (l3/he) always choose to come in though the customer peer and then to my customer. Any thoughts on how to get around this, and still have some kind of route in the blended provider for failover? Off list is fine.. Thanks in advance. Dennis Burgess, Mikrotik Certified Trainer Author of "Learn RouterOS- Second Edition <http://www.wlan1.com/product_p/mikrotik%20book-2.htm> " Link Technologies, Inc -- Mikrotik & WISP Support Services Office: 314-735-0270 <tel:314-735-0270> Website: http://www.linktechs.net <http://www.linktechs.net/> - Skype: linktechs <skype:linktechs?call> -- Create Wireless Coverage's with www.towercoverage.com <http://www.towercoverage.com/> - 900Mhz - LTE - 3G - 3.65 - TV Whitespace