On Jul 17, 2015, at 09:17 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote:
On Jul 16, 2015, at 15:29 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
All I am advocating is that if ever another draft standard comes along to enable people to try and make something of it, lead follow or get out of the way.
Sometimes good leadership is knowing when to say “not just no, but hell no.”
This is not one of them. Your stated reason for hell no is that you want no distractions from ipv6 rollout. That is not leadership. That is dictatorship via tyranny of the minority, enabled by consensus,
Tryanny of the minority enabled by consensus… That’s an amusing concept. If we were such a minority, how did we get consensus. Reality check, Joe… You’re pretty much the only one left still beating this drum. Owen