On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 09:43:20PM +0000, scott w had this to say:
Can't we all just get along???
heh, obviously not ...
Yes we can... http://www.friends-partners.org/friends/mirnet
it's going to take more than one (or a hundred) data points to counter human nature (which is competitive, rather than cooperative). I guess I'm just a little too cynical to believe that the spirit of cooperation is enough to counter corporate greed, malicious activity and general cluelessness. Maybe I'll see something one of these days that will restore my faith in the general population. *shrug*
-- Scott Francis scott@ [work:] v i r t u a l i s . c o m Systems Analyst darkuncle@ [home:] d a r k u n c l e . n e t PGP fingerprint 7ABF E2E9 CD54 A1A8 804D 179A 8802 0FBA CB33 CCA7 illum oportet crescere me autem minui