sparc ipc/ipx on ebay? joelja On Thu, 21 Dec 2000, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
Does anyone know if there is a device somewhere that is small, cheap, has 1 10mbit (or 100mbit) ethernet port and a small IP stack that enable you to set ip address and default gateway on it (dhcp perhaps?).
I would like to put something like this at some customers to use for pinging to see that the customer is reachable. Cost should preferrably be in the $50-$100 range.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joel Jaeggli joelja@darkwing.uoregon.edu Academic User Services consult@gladstone.uoregon.edu PGP Key Fingerprint: 1DE9 8FCA 51FB 4195 B42A 9C32 A30D 121E -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is clear that the arm of criticism cannot replace the criticism of arms. Karl Marx -- Introduction to the critique of Hegel's Philosophy of the right, 1843.