When the conficker worms phones home to one of the 50,000 potential domains names it computes each day, there are a lot of IT folks out there that wish their local resolver would simply reject those DNS requests so that infected machines in their network fail to phone home.
To use your language, I don't understand how or why this could possibly be controversial. -- Apparently it is.
In which case, make your own nameserver authoritative for those domains; do not foist your own wishes on other people.
Since people need to *explicitly* choose using the OpenDNS servers, I can hardly see how anybody's wishes are foisted on these people. If you don't like the answers you get from this (free) service, you can of course choose to use a different service - for instance your ISP's name servers. (I may or may not agree with what OpenDNS does - that is completely irrelevant in this case.) Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug@nethelp.no