On 03/31/2010 04:03 PM, Jack Carrozzo wrote:
Given a marked lack of $significant funding for home routing, I rock BSD boxen all over.
Cool. I'm looking at pfsense to replace my cisco. I want to move the router to my lab for CCIE studies. Have you tried pfsense, or do you find the built in functionality/configuration system to be sufficient? I've only used bsd in an end user setting. The more I read, the more it seems that for software routing BSD is a better packet pusher.
At one point we had several doing OSPF in my apartment (because we could)
Oh yeah. I hear that. :)
but I moved and am now behind a single Sun Netra ($30) with BSD, natd, and iptables. Works beautifully.
Iptables on bsd? Not pf? Interesting. I'm pretty familiar with Iptables myself and have been wanting to pickup pf. Can you dive into why you went with iptables instead of pf? Was it familiarity or functionality or...?
If you're only interested in real routing hardware, I'd probably go with the low-end cisco SOHO stuff, or if you still have a 2600 sitting around and only roll DSL, that will work nicely.
Right. I have a 2600 in my lab.