On Apr 22, 2009, at 5:48 PM, Jack Bates wrote:
Joe Provo wrote:
And the overall message is that only the (prefix holder|originating ASn[s]) can tell you if it is intended or not. Sadly, this is not a useful metric for a third-party to use to determine prefix annoucnement legitimacy. Perhaps an update to RPSL to allow for intentional multiple origins is overdue?
Legitimacy no, but it does lead one to believe that most anycast (given > 3 locations) is homogeneous. I would love multiple origin support.
There are tons which have 2 origin ASes. I realize that's not a lot of locations by today's anycast standards, but it is probably still common. OTOH: "Serious" anycast obviously requires more than 2, so I grant your point. The overwhelming majority of anycast is done from homogeneous origin AS. Which means I was right. :) -- TTFN, patrick