There are also unamusing things like for example the local coffee/doughnut shop being closed tonight when it is supposed to be open 24/7. I consider this to be a serious denial of service by the miscreant who operates the shop. Man does not live by nicotine alone. Meanwhile i sit here like a moron waiting an hour for a non-event to happen. My sole purpose for being here is so that the 'suits' who are out whooping it up, can experience anxiety-free whooping. After midnight i get to dodge drunken revelers on my 33 mile trip home, and tomorrow morning i'll get salt in the wounds when Randy unloads on me for copying this to nanog. I just hope i'm dead when 2038 rolls around. Or is it 2238? I can't remember. Oh well. On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Alex Pilosov wrote:
This is mildly amusing. Looking at headers:
On Sat, 1 Jan 100, Neil J. McRae wrote: