It is the same way credit reporting works: you mess up, you get no credit.
Come on guys, you are all smart engineers. This is not rocket science.
If anyone really cared about SPAM, then the credit reporting companies would already be collecting information about SPAMmers and network operators would pay them for that info when they sign up new customers. But most people are happy with things the way they are. They love SPAM because it gives them something to complain about and get emotional about. Personally, I find SPAM to be a minor annoyance. I just delete the dozen or so messages a day that make their way through the SPAM filter. But what concerns me far more than SPAM is the fundamental insecurity of the email system which makes it impossible to trust the source of any email message unless you have some prior knowledge of the sender. Back in the old days, at least we had alternatives like Compuserve and MCI-Mail. Now there is only one email system and it is rotten at the core. If we would fix that then most of the time, SPAM would be a minor annoyance like graffitti or vandalism is in the real world. As it currently stands, SPAM is like terrorism circa 1999, i.e. it's escalating and you ain't seen nuthin' yet... --Michael Dillon