On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 8:57 AM, CJ <cjinfantino@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey all, Is there any reason to run IS-IS over OSPF in the SP core? Currently, we are running IS-IS but we are redesigning our core and now would be a good time to switch. I would like to switch to OSPF, mostly because of familiarity with OSPF over IS-IS. What does everyone think?
-- CJ
http://convergingontheedge.com <http://www.convergingontheedge.com>
Granted, we're not a service provider, so we operate on a different scale here, but one interesting trick that can be done with ISIS (at least on Cisco) is this: router a ----------- router isis advertise passive-only interface loopback0 ip address interface vlan2 ip unnumbered loopback0 ip router isis isis network point-to-point router b ----------- (copy router isis definition from router a) interface loopback0 ip address (copy vlan2 definition from router a) ----------- This removes the associated headaches with /30s or /31s in having to keep track of their allocation, as well as having them clog the your routing table. -waits for replies stating why this is a bad idea- Now, if I could just get isis-per-vrf-instance support on the Catalyst 6500. Jason