Something I'd love to see is a blue-ribbon commission (meaning, made up of people with real clue) whose job it was to come up with a bird's-eye view of what the internet would look like if it were designed from scratch today. Maybe this is some of what Internet-II is supposed to be doing but I think it's more focused on very high bandwidth gated community stuff. In theory the internet could be radically redesigned, at least on paper, and still deliver just about the same function as far as end-users are concerned; surfing, email, file transfer, routing, naming, etc. Task one would be "what must be preserved -- what can be tossed?" So, e.g., web browsing/serving must be preserved, but all of IP per se maybe is up for grabs for redesign, etc. The point being maybe we all spend so much time backpatching etc and assuming that the technology can't be shifted much due to backwards compatability that, truth be told, we don't really know what that shift we're avoiding might be if it were feasible. Can't really know how hard it is to build the bridge if you don't know how wide the river is. And now a song for anyone who read this far: Deep in the Heart of Internet (tune: Deep in the Heart of Texas) The web at night - is big and bright, Deep in the heart of Internet. The smurfers' eye - are on that pie, Deep in the heart of Internet. The roots do loom - just like perfume, Deep in the heart of Internet. Reminds smurfs of - why they get no love. Deep in the heart of Internet. The admins cry - eat 'wall and die, Deep in the heart of Internet. The smurfers rush - to send their gush, Deep in the heart of Internet. The reporters wail - hot on the trail, Deep in the heart of Internet. And the spammers spam - and spam and spam, DEEP IN THE HEART OF INTERNET! Lyrics written anonymously by Barry Shein -- -Barry Shein Software Tool & Die | bzs@TheWorld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 617-739-0202 | Login: 617-739-WRLD The World | Public Access Internet | Since 1989 *oo*