On Sat, 31 May 2003, Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:
seems some spammers are using one of my personal domains as the from field in their emails, the local-part being random so I cant easily block it.
Has anyone any advice on tracking them down and making them stop?
Tactical baseball bat at close range? :) I and a number of coworkers are getting similar bounces, except the spammers are actually using our full email addresses as the from address. The first few cases of this, I wrote off to things like KLEZ...but recently I've gotten actual spam bounces where my work email address was the original from. I suppose it could possibly still be something like KLEZ and it's grabbing a spam from their inbox and sending that out with a forged from. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*| I route System Administrator | therefore you are Atlantic Net | _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________