This leads us to the old fact that several ISPs and hosting providers protect their servers with every network perimeter security resource (firewalls, IPSs, virus-and-spam-appliances etc) but forget that "availability" as a security principle requires adequate physical and utility safeguards also (backup site, automated failover, redundant communication links between sites and backbones, capable UPS, air-conditioning, fire-extinguishing...). Not all, as you see, are computer-related "per se", but they are "sine-qua-non" for 24x7 availability. Abraços, Marlon Borba, CISSP. -- Nova campanha: Centro de Resposta a Incidentes de Segurança da Justiça Federal - Vamos criar! --
"Fergie (Paul Ferguson)" <> 07/06/05 1:12 PM >>>
Netcraft reports that: [snip] A power outage at an Advance Internet hosting facility has hobbled the web sites for the company's chain of more than 30 newspapers, including many large metropolitan dailies. [...]