On 29 Sep 2022, at 6:30 PM, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
may i include the arin tal in my software product with neither i nor the user of the product being encumbered, signing anything, ... as with the other RIRs? Yes.
excellent. thank you.
[ and arin might ask itself why and how it took O(decade) to come to this simple position; just in case there are other mis-matches between arin's positions and community needs ]
Randy - It’s actually not a simple position at all, but a rather complicated set of tradeoffs that the organization has to consider (and periodically review based on changing conditions) by the Board of Trustees. Even now there are significant differences in RPKI approaches among the RIRs, and that’s to be expected given the different legal environments in which operates. Note also there’s a variety of views in the community on nearly any topic, but ultimately the members have to elect those whose judgment they trust to the Board if they wish to have outcomes that they trust – as it is the trustees who have the fiduciary duty to organization and its community. ARIN has recently been reviewing quite a bit of customer facing legal agreements based on current conditions, and the result include both an updated RPA, and also the recently announced update to the RSA/LRSA - <https://www.arin.net/announcements/20220912/>) If you have further suggestions for items you’d like reviewed, please drop me an email (or submit into the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion process if you want formal tracking - https://www.arin.net/participate/community/acsp/process/) Thanks! /John John Curran President and CEO American Registry for Internet Numbers