- run on Windows, Oops, I see your problem. No self-respecting network operator runs any M$W boxen as an MTA, so Templin is an imposter/troll.
This isnt true, the majority run Windows (at least thats what I see in various meetings and from the user-agent headers) I use OSX but I still have a windows laptop and virtual PC as unfortunately the world forces me to require the use of Windows to interact with their documents and applications...
Some foolish individuals run M$W MUA. I don't such things myself, but both Netscape and Eudora work fine for me on MacOS, so I'd expect them to behave on M$W.
See above, I have Outlook on my Windows boxes in order to receive the odd bits of mail requiring me to open their attachments on Windows.
- have NANOG-approved OOO messages, Folks running reasonable MTA/MUA don't have this problem, so why don't you check the message headers to see what clueful folks are using, rather than trolling the list? You can see all the message headers, can't you?
I dont think this is 'nanog approved' its basic netiquette, the complaints are that you shouldnt reply to emails not sent to you personally eg list mail as we dont care that your not receiving messages today! Actually Nanog isnt too bad considering how many people are on it ooo messages are quite rare, compared to various other much smaller lists (100s of people on them) which I'm on and regularly generate dozens of ooo's at a time.. Steve