31 Jul
31 Jul
11:55 p.m.
In no particular order Connect.com.fj aka tfl.com.fj Fintel.com.fj Vodafone.com.fj (via a 3G stick) Digicel.com.fj (via a 2G stick, but also via a wireless backbone network) If you want to do BGP or IPv6, good luck! Is that for Fiji Water? ;) These people have very good operational Internet experience in Fiji. http://www.linkedin.com/in/timothyverma http://www.linkedin.com/pub/alfred-prasad/0/409/14a http://au.linkedin.com/in/skeeve On 7/31/12 1:14 PM, "Philip Lavine" <source_route@yahoo.com> wrote:
Who offeres Internet Bandwidth in Fiji Islands (Lautoka and Yaqara)?