On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 05:12:22PM +0000, Michael Shields put this into my mailbox:
In article <19990111101351.04195@dragonlair.dal.net>, Dalvenjah FoxFire <dalvenjah@DAL.NET> wrote:
Much as I hate to say it, this seems to be one area where industry self-regulation has utterly failed. I don't know what would be a better solution; I hate to suggest government regulation. But I'm at a loss here.
Civil liability?
Possibly. I don't know of anyone who's tried suing over a smurf attack. If I could afford the lawyer and the court time I'd do it myself. All we really need is one or two good cases to establish some case law; then the rest of us can have some legal precedent to point to and say "If you don't fix your networks, you're screwed." -dalvenjah -- Dalvenjah FoxFire (aka Sven Nielsen) "Thy wit is as quick as the greyhound's Founder, the DALnet IRC Network mouth - it catches." e-mail: dalvenjah@dal.net WWW: http://www.dal.net/~dalvenjah/ whois: SN90 Try DALnet! http://www.dal.net/