On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 14:39:10 -0700, Owen DeLong said:
I run a pair of nameservers. Let’s call them ns1.company.com and ns2.company.com
Someone registers example.com and points NS records in the COM zone at my nameservers.
I would have expected that the resulting NXDOMAIN replies from ns1 and ns2 would usually make this a self-correcting problem. Are there actually people who do this misconfiguration on a zone big enough for the traffic to matter, and leave it that way for very long before they clue in that things aren't working right? I'd think that if somebody points billy-bobs-bait-tackle-and-internet.com at you, it might take you quite some time to notice - and if somebody whoopsies and points ebay.com's NS records at you, the resulting disfunction would be noticed fairly soon.... (Miscreants who do this intentionally are, of course, a totally different kettle of fish, and need to be dealt with as micreants....)