On 12/27/12, Blake Pfankuch <blake@pfankuch.me> wrote: It does make no sense, and I would say it is an unusual restriction, but a CA can put any certificate usage restriction they want in their policy, and technically, they have likely included a right to audit and issue out a revokation/CRL for any certificates not following their usage policy: a common example would be a SSL cert used to facilitate phishing. Make your X509 vendor take the language out of the agreement against the use on multiple servers, or buy from one of the many dozens of other certificate providers who issues wildcards and has no such special restriction on certificate usage in the certificate signing/usage policies. :)
Ok, so this might be a little off topic but I am trying to validate something a vendor is telling me and hoping some people here have expertise in this area...
I am working with a SSL certificate provider. I am trying to purchase a quantity of wildcard SSL certificates to cover about 60 FQDN's across 4 [snip]
-- -JH