jabber update. folks have reported some unreachability, but being network admins, did not say "ping worked" (or not) and didn't send a traceroute. if they'd done either, i'd've asked "what server were you logged into", since the connection that's failing is server-to-server (from the server where you are logged in, to the conference server). if you want to get into this conference room and your jabber server is timing out trying to reach my jabber server, please send me ping and traceroute results (as well as "telnet jabber.tisf.net 5222" results) while standing on your server. otoh, you can probably work around the problem by registering a new account at jabber.tisf.net (it's open to registration from anybody) and then joining the nanog-arin@conference.jabber.tisf.net mailing list from there (which is a connection from localhost to localhost from my server's point of view.) sorry for the churn. and yes, srh, if someone asks a Q on jabber and you're not logged in, i'll spew it to the microphone (or somebody else will). -- Paul Vixie