At 10:46 PM 10/5/2005, you wrote:
ok, vijay popping up is not totally surprising, but twice? dorian was a bit of a surprise. but you, joe? coming out of the woodwork? the lack of clue in this thread must be *really* painful.
It's pretty evident that this has been a clue-free thread... even more telling are the "L3 should do this" and the "Cogent should do this" messages. In the end, there's nothing in this thread that's gonna make one whit of difference... those guys will either work it out or they won't (and Cogent will buy transit), and life will continue. Personally, I see a lot of panties in great big wads over this, yet not one of the owners of said undergarments can actually *do* anything about this situation. I'm not a customer of either of these companies, so I really don't have a lot of operational interest in this whole magilla... therefore, let the flames begin.