On Sat, 19 Oct 2013 12:43:49 -0700, Matthew Petach said:
Think about it; if network A prepends 10x to network B, and not at all to network C; but network B is a free peer of mine, and network C is a transit network I pay money to; following the typical convention of "routes learned from network B get localpref'd to 5000, routes learned from transit are localpref'd at 1000", you'd end up pushing the traffic along the 10x prepended pathway.
Thanks. Due to the way our private peering works, the only routes we learn from our "network B"'s are ones that wouldn't prepend because they want to talk to us over the peer. So all our prepends show up via our C's. And I was insuffiently caffienated to consider the case that we'd see prepends on our B side...