Anthony Walker said that the following was seen while the BGP session between AS6180 and AS3741 was down:
MAE-East Looking Glass Results Query: bgp Addr: BGP routing table entry for, version 5006458 Paths: (1 available, no best path, advertised over IBGP) 1673 1239 4005 3741 6180, (received-only) from ( Origin IGP, external
AFAIK, "received-only" means that DIGEX heard that route from AS1673 but did not install it, presumably because it failed to pass a filter. The question is, why did that route not get withdrawn properly when the BGP session between AS6189 and AS3741 was terminated? This looks very much like the cisco bug that bit Sprint during the AS7007 incident a month or so ago. Hey, Ravi, I thought you fixed that bug? Perhaps AS4005 is not running the fixed code. Perhaps there's another bug. --apb (Alan Barrett)